Call For Writers: Spring 2021
Write For The Way of Witch
The Way of Which seeks emerging and established witchy writers to contribute oringal articles about witchcraft, magick, healing and the lifestyles of the witch. Please submit a finished article that focuses on a specific aspect of witchery and magick.
We welcome submissions from practitioners of any spiritual background including modern and old tradition witchcraft practitioners, alternative health professionals, occultists, intuitives of all kinds, shamans, and pagans.
Please send original, unpublished articles, and links to social media profiles to: Submit seasonal and astrological articles one month or more in advance of the season, sabbat, moon or astrological phase. Please include given names in addition to pen/pagan name. *We may consider articles that have been published on your blog, but would require they be deleted from the blog. Duplicate publishing is bad for search engine rankings.,
Seeking Columnists
As the perfect candidate for a regular WoW Column you likely already have your own blog. You live your witchcraft and as a result can write authentically about your experience. Perhaps you would like to elevate your solo voice into a larger community. By publishing a column with us, your words will reach thousands of potential readers when promoted throughout all of our platforms.
Your column published in The Way of Witch should encapsulate your vision, witchy aesthetic, voice, expertise and sense of humor. So let your submission show these things off! Your column might consist of both written and video content so feel free to offer us a creative submission.
All regular columns require agreed-upon terms that need to be fulfilled. To make this experience the best for all parties, really think about how much you can commit. You may contribute one column a month or several per week, it’s entirely up to you!
We are currently seeking columns covering astrology, tarot, daily practice, kitchen witchery and spell crafting.
Guidelines for Submitting Your Column Proposal
In your submission package, please introduce yourself to us in whatever way is most authentically you. Additionally, send us links or documents containing 2-3 of your favorite, original blog or vlog posts. Direct your materials to: Put “Columnist Submission” in the subject line. Please include your legal name in addition to pen/pagan name.
The Way of Witch Mission Statement
The Way of Witch features emerging voices from the growing witchcraft, pagan and magickal/occult communities. Every month, we provide thought-provoking content that helps witches along all stages of their paths, supporting them in their journeys toward self-healing and self-sovereignty.
Equally important, the articles we publish should engage, inform, teach and entertain. By all means, weave us a tale around our themes! We love a good story paired with a ritual, recipe, sigil, spell, tarot spread, writing prompt or other feature that engages the reader.
By and large, our online community consists of fully engaged witches, pagans and magickal practitioners. So our written content should share the tales of our magickal experiences and hard fought knowledge with our readers. In short, if you haven’t lived the magick, this is not the right place for you to publish! Above everything else, we value authenticity.
The Way of Witch Magazine is currently a free publication with no advertisement. As a result, we cannot pay you directly. Though you may include a link to your, venmo, or Ko-fi account. We are working toward a sustainable business model that will allow us to pay writers directly, but it will take some time.
As an additional benefit, you are also more than welcome to provide links for crafts or services in your bio. Above all, writers retain copyright to their own work. We ask that you inform us if your work is subsequently accepted elsewhere for publication so that we may take it down from The Way of Witch. Duplicate publishing is bad for search engine rankings!