Be Careful of What You Witch For

A little while back I was financially frustrated. I live in a camper. This sounds cool right? Wrong. It’s a 27 foot vinyl piece of trash. I could go on but that’s not what this is about. My husband and…

Value in the Virtual

Virtual communities have grown like wildfire since the infant days of the internet. From chat rooms and video games to online courses and virtual covens, there are special interest groups for just about everything these days. Despite this popularity, there…

Pinnacle of Spring

Whereas modern paganism and Wicca tend to follow a calendar of fixed dates, I am neither, so I have a different approach. My own Year Cycle is entirely based on what the spirits I work with would like to celebrate.…

Pictland’s Next Top Model: a ritual

Let’s do some shadow work? If you dig it, come on in the hut. WARNING: This post will be a wee bit intense, energy-wise. If you aren’t feeling okay today, take some time away from social media before coming back…

Healing the Hollow

Time to talk about what so many of us try to avoid: the hollow places. The empty places. In my case, I’m talking about the inner me, the uncomfortable, cavernous pit of me.Oh how I’ve tried to fill that bottomless…

Am I a Time Traveller?

No, this isn’t a philosophical question, and I do not have a Tardis (sadly). Today I’ll describe what it feels like to have a Pictish soul living inside me. Are you interested? Then come to the hut, I’m making stew…

Devotion in the Desert

Greetings, and welcome to my little corner of The Way of Witch. Unlike many witches and pagans, my home is not in the emerald forests or misty mountains. My home is in an unforgiving desert filled with red sand, black…

Wild and Free

Today, I came across a new post by Keeping Her Keys, “My Goddesses Are Wild And Free” You can read the original article here. I have to say, I certainly feel this way about Freyja… she came to me on…

Tattooing the Runes

Runes hold magick, meaning, and a multitude of mysteries.  It seems only natural to me that many would find themselves contemplating incorporating these symbols into tattoo designs.  Before creating a runic design to be permanently etched into your flesh… here…