Raising Your Witch Power With Mabon Magick

Raising Your Witch Power With Mabon Magick

Mabon is the second harvest festival, continuing the celebration of reaping the bounty of what has been sown. When paired with the balancing energies of the Autumn Equinox, it is the perfect time to raise your abundance energy.

The Equinoxes mark the seasonal quarters between Summer and Winter Solstice. They bring a time of nearly equal hours of both light and dark.  As the leaves turn golden around us, Mabon begins the slow dance into darkness, an inward turning to explore the shadows of our inner landscapes. Both are an opportunity to take a closer look at what you have, what you desire, and what you can offer.

The Magick of Give And Take

Seeking KIndness
Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

Mabon is often referred to as the Witch’s Thanksgiving, a time to be grateful for the harvest, but also to consider the seeds sown and the relationship between giving and receiving . In the garden, the more we plant, the more we’ll harvest. The same is true in our magickal practice.

Magick isn’t something we do only at our altars, in the deep woods, or beneath the full and dark moons. Magick happens when we raise energy, and the best way to raise energy in the magickal realm is to take action in the physical realm. In other words, give to receive.

The community is our greatest resource in times of hardship and need. Give your time and gifts when you can, knowing the same will be there for you if and when you are in need. Consider organizing a food drive or volunteering at your local food shelf. Or simply buy one staple item every shopping trip to donate to a non profit—many supermarkets and discount chains make it easy to do, with donation bins located near the checkout lines.

Clothing Sale
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Also consider purchasing new clothing to donate to women’s and children’s safe houses, family, and homeless shelters. Shop the sales. Buy socks, underwear, T-shirts and sweatshirts in various sizes.

Fall is also back to school time. Public school teachers will appreciate donations of facial tissue, hand sanitizer, glue and glue sticks, and pencils and pens. Or, get the list of supplies for one classroom and make a personal Mabon offering of one complete cache for a student in need.

If you are in hard times yourself, give kindness — share a smile with somebody who needs it, open a door, volunteer at the local animal shelter. Even picking up litter and trash where you see it is a  gift to your community and Mama Earth. Offer to watch a friend or relative’s child, or take their dog for a walk when they are at work. If you are physically able, offer needed assistance to an elderly neighbor—shovel their walkway, run an errand or two or just spend time with them.

Clearing The Way To Receive

Girl cleaning windows
Photo by Jess Zoerb on Unsplash

Just as we must occasionally make room in our closets to accommodate new clothing, we have to make room in our lives to receive new manifestations. Begin with some Fall cleaning of your physical space.

I start with my windows; I want to make way for the most light possible to shine through during the overcast and gray winter. A commercial cleaner in a spray bottle just doesn’t cut through the dust and grime that Summer’s humidity encrusted on the glass, so I make my own cleaning solution.

This magical window cleaner smells so good it almost makes the chore a joy.

  • Rind of one orange
  • Rind of one lemon
  • Several stems of fresh mint
  • I cup white vinegar
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Warm water

Add all ingredients to a quart jar, fill with the warm water. Let sit overnight before using. Orange and lemon rind provide citrus oil, an excellent cleaning agent. They also invoke the energy of sunlight. Mint and lavender are both cleansing and purifying. Vinegar reduces streaking.

Release That Which No Longer Serves

Release all the things that no longer serve you or your purpose. Clean and organize your kitchen. Clean out closets and drawers. Keep a box for charity and add items as you go.

If you own a vehicle clean out the sun screens and bug sprays, vacuum the floors, empty the trunk of beach chairs, towels and other summer trappings. Make room for a winter emergency kit, with a blanket, energy bars, bottled water and a candle or two.

Create or recharge a talisman for protection while driving. Think about what you want to receive from the car—safe passage, no breakdowns, no accidents. Consider what care and maintenance you can give. Even if you use public transportation, you can still make a talisman or charm for safe travel, and consider what you will contribute—awareness of surroundings, creating relationships with drivers and/or other regular riders, and personal protection strategies or devices (legal, of course).

Take time to look at other areas of your life such as your work and social activities. What can you clean up and release. What can you give?

Do the same with your significant relationships.

Create The Energy You Wish To Receive

Remember the key energies of Mabon are balance. When you focus on the give and take, you create the space for abundance to enter. Find simple ways every day to create this vibration around you. It will boost your magkical power and enhance your craft.

For more on magickal house cleaning and clearing, read my article Glamour Magick For Your Home, at Patheos.

Nikki Zang Roszko

Nikki Zang Roszko is Editor in Chief of The Way of Witch community blog. She is a Hedgecrossing Hekatean Hedgewitch with 22 years active experience in the craft, although she has always been a witch. Specialties include Tarot, herbal alchemy, sigil magick and more. Her blog, Rock and Roll Witch, tackles all manner of witchery, shamanic healing and spiritual growth. Through writing, doing readings and acting as guide, Nikki helps others stoke their inner witch fire in order to transform their lives. She lives and works in Portland, Oregon with her partner and a multitude of feline companions. She makes ritual objects, supplies and magickal dirt as Witch of Fire.

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